<%@ Language=VBScript%> Armenia Fund USA




Contribute - Giving Levels

Levels of Patronage
New Millennium Donor
New Century Donor
New Decade Donor
$250,000 and above

All donors will be recognized in the annual report of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, as well as in the Armenia Fund USA Newsletter. Individual projects also have special ways to acknowledge your generosity, such as with signage on the North-South highway or nameplates in renovated or newly constructed facilities.

Ways to Give
Make a project-specific donation. Allocate funds to the project of your choice, whether it be in construction, infrastructure development, healthcare, or child development.

Make an annual gift. Pledge a given amount to Armenia Fund USA each year, allocating funds to special projects or to the Fund’s general operational fund.

Make a bequest. Leave your lasting legacy to Armenia and Karabakh in your will. Gift options include cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds or property.

Establish a memorial fund. Pay tribute to your loved ones by ensuring a brighter future for Armenia and Karabakh in their memory.

Make a donation “In Lieu of Flowers,” to pay a meaningful tribute to the memory of a recently departed.

Charitable giving through a bequest in a will or trust is a traditional way to support a worthy cause. Leave a lasting legacy by considering a planned gift to Armenia Fund USA. To learn more, call Armenia Fund USA at 212-689-5307.