November 24, 2005
NEW YORK, New York, September 26, 2005
- Armenia Fund USA, East Coast Affiliate of Hayastan
Himnadram, is pleased to announce the date of Telethon 2005,
an annual event that has turned into a tradition for the Armenia
Fund and all of its international affiliates as well as among
the Armenian community across the United States. On Thanksgiving
Day, the 24th of November 2005, the Armenians worldwide will
be able to follow and directly contribute through the annual
telethon in order to raise funds for Rebirth of Artsakh,
a three-year, three-phase major Regional Development Program
for the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. For many Armenians in
the United States, Thanksgiving Day would not be complete
without the opportunity to join Armenians around the world
in participating in this uplifting and exciting event right
from their living rooms!
Since 1996, when the Telethon event was first organized,
it has moved many; including major donors and contributors
who have supported the Fund and made most of its projects
come into reality. Millions of dollars have been raised, and
thousands of lives have been changed. And now this year, we
have the chance to once again share from our “bounty”
on Thanksgiving in order to improve the people’s lives
and create a brighter future for Armenia and Karabakh.
The Regional Development Program will entail the building
of schools, housing, clinics, drinking water, schemes, access
roads and an agricultural initiative for three major regions
of Karabakh, starting with the Mardakert region. Armenia Fund
USA will spearhead the Agricultural Initiative component of
the Regional Development Program, a strategic initiative aimed
at providing long term sustainable economic development for
the region. This year’s Telethon will raise funds for
the Agricultural Initiative for the Mardakert region requiring
$2.5 million funding serving the region’s 20,000 population.
The funding will go towards establishing six Agricultural
Development Associations (ADA’s) in the Mardakert region
for creating economic hubs for converting groups of subsistence
farmers into production units for field crops, swine and cattle
Armenia Fund USA welcomes the opportunity the annual Telethon
provides as a great way of communicating to our donors -
past and present- about differences they have made as we share
the success stories made possible by their generosity.
More than this, the name of every donor, regardless of the
size of the contribution, will be displayed on the screen.
Telethon 2005 will also report the results of the Fund’s
Phonathon that is scheduled to take place the week before
Thanksgiving Day.
The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, a war-torn region that has
gone through hardships of conflict, political secession and
economic collapse, is in urgent need of a multifaceted economic
recovery program. Agricultural infrastructure support is a
critical point to begin. This is why Armenia Fund USA invites
our donors to join us by supporting this major fundraising
campaign in order to reach out to men, women and children
of all ages and help them reclaim the land that has taken
the lives of so many of their young people to liberate. Telethon
2005 will be another way of delivering the Fund’s message
to the world - every dollar raised during the event will go
towards healing the wounds of the proud and determined people
of Karabakh. Join us in this joyous event and help make a
in 1992, was the first of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s
18 international affiliates and serves constituents in all
states east of the Mississippi. As a non-profit, non-governmental,
nonsectarian organization, the Fund represents all Armenian
Armenia Fund USA is the largest contributor among the 18 international
affiliates - supporting strategic infrastructure projects
in Armenia and Karabakh, and having helped build 138 miles
of roads, 100 miles of waterways, 36 schools, 3 electric transmission
networks, 210 residential buildings and 15 healthcare institutions.
Armenia Fund USA’s Mission is the development
of strategic socio-economic infrastructure in Armenia and
Karabakh, focusing on major projects such as major highways,
schools, drinking water to communities and humanitarian programs
in education, training and medical facilities. The Fund has
adopted a policy to go “Beyond Bricks and Mortar”
to provide sustainability for projects it sponsors.
To learn more about Armenia Fund USA, please
go to our website at
or call us at 212-689-5307.
Armenia Fund USA, 152 Madison Ave., Suite 803,
New York, NY 10016